Shirk / polytheism
Shirk is the most serious of all prohibitions . According to the hadeeth /Prophet Speech / narrated by Abu Bakrah , he said
" The Messenger of Allah
said : [ Shall I not tell you of the most serious of the major sins ?] three times We said : of course , O Messenger of Allah
He said : Associating anything in worship with Allah
Agreed upon ; see al-Bukhaari , no.2511 , al-Bagha edition
Every other sin may be forgiven by Allah , apart from shirk / polytheism / , which requires specific repentance , as Allah says
Verily , Allah forgives not that partners should be set up with Him in worship , but He forgives except that ( anything else ) to whom He pleases
[ Surah an-Nisaa` (4):48]
Shirk is of two types , greater and lesser . If one commits the greater shirk , he has left the fold of Islaam . If one commits the lesser shirk , he has not left its fold , but has committed one of the greatest sins
From the forms of shirk which are particularly widespread in the Muslim countries are the following
Grave-Worship .*
Sacrificing to Other than Allah .*
Allowing what Allah has forbidden .*
Magic , Fortune-telling and Divination .*
Astrology and Belief in Stars .*
Believing Benefit in Things which do not .*
Showing Off in Worship .*
At-Tiyarah .*
Swearing By Something Other Than Allah . *
I will explain each one of these forms in a separate topic