Sacrificing to Other than Allah
Allah says
Therefore turn in prayer to your Lord , and sacrificeto / to Him only / i.e..,sacrifice to Allah and in the name of Allah
Surah al-Kawthar /108/:2
The Prophet
Allah will curse the one who sacrifice to anything other than Allah
Reported by Imaam Muslim , may Allah have mercy on him , in his Saheeh , no. 1978 , Abd al-Baaqi edition
This sin combines two haraam ( forbidden ) deeds , that of sacrificing to anything other than Allah and that of sacrificing in the name of anything other than Allah , both of which make the meat of the animal slaughtered haraam
One of the forms of sacrificing to anything other than Allah , which was known during the first Jahiliyyah (the time before Islam ) and is still widespread nowadays , is the practice of offering a sacrifice to the jinn ( demons , genii ) , whereby upon buying or construction a house or digging a well , people slaughter an animal at its entrance out of fear of harm from the resident jinn