Deliberately Preceding the Imam / the leader

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Deliberately Preceding the Imam / the leader

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الموضوع: Deliberately Preceding the Imam / the leader

العرض المتطور

  1. #1
    الصورة الرمزية بنت الأزور
    الحالة : بنت الأزور غير متواجد حالياً
    رقم العضوية : 7531
    تاريخ التسجيل : Aug 2010
    المشاركات : 503
    المذهب : سنيه
    التقييم : 13



    افتراضي Deliberately Preceding the Imam / the leader

    Deliberately Preceding the Imam / the leader


    Humans are hasty by nature , as it says in the Qur`aan

    " and Humans are ever hasty "

    [ Surah al-Israa` (17) : 11 ]

    The Prophet said

    " Deliberation is from Allah while haste is from Shaytaan / devil "

    [ Reported by al-Bayhaqi in al-Sunsn al-Kubraa , 10/104 ; see also as-Silsilah , 1795 ]

    One often notices , when praying in congregation , people to the left and right anticipating the Imam in rukoo`/ bowing in prayer / , sujood / prostrstion /and the takbeeraat / Takbeer : is the saying of " Allahu Akbar ( Allah is the greatest ) " before moving from one position to next in salaat ( prayer ) . Pl. Takbeeraat / that signal changes in position – one might at times even notice this in oneself , too . People may even precede the Imam in giving salaam / saying : As-Salaamu alaykum wa Rahmatullah to the right and left at the end of the prayer / . This is a matter which may appear unimportant to many , but the Prophet issued a stern warning about this when he said

    Do those who raise their head before the imam not fear that Allah may turn their head into the head of a donkey

    [ Reported by Muslim , 1/320 – 321]

    If a person is required to come to the prayer with dignity and composure , how then should he be during the prayer itself ? Some people are confused about this issue and seek to compensate by delaying their movements after the imam ; these people should know that the fuqahaa` / the scholars /, may Allah have mercy on them , have described an excellent way to control the matter , which is that the person following the imam should only start his movements after the imam has finished pronouncing the [ Arabic letter ] ' raa' ( r ) of " Allaahu akbar ' ; then the person following the imam is permitted to move , but not before or after

    The companions of the prophet used to be very keen to avoid anticipating his movements when he led them in prayer . One of them , al-Baraa` ibn `Aazib said about praying behind the prophet

    When he raised his head from rukoo` , I would never see anyone bending his back in sujood until the Messenger of Allah had placed his forehead on the ground , then everyone would go down in sujood behind him
    " .

    [ Reported by Muslim , no. 474 , Abd al-Baaqi edition ]

    When the prophet grew older , and became rather slow in his movements , he told the people praying behind him

    O people , I have gained weight , so do not precede me in performing rukoo` and sujood

    [ Reported by al-Bayhaqi , 2/93 and classified as hasan in Irwaa` al-Ghaleel , 2/290 ]

    The Imam is obliged to follow the Sunnah in making takbeer when he prays , as reported in the hadeeth narrated by Abu Hurayrah

    When the Messenger of Allah stood up to pray , he would say takbeer when he stood up and when he bowed … then he would say takbeer when he went down for sujood and when he raised his head , then when he went down for sujood again and when he raised his head again . Then he would repeat this throughout the whole prayer until it was finished . He would say takbeer when he stood up after completing two rak`ahs

    [ Reported by al-Bukhaari, no. 756 , al-Baghaa edition ]

    If the imam pronounces takbeer at the same time as he makes the movements , and the people following him strive to follow the guidelines mentioned here , then they will have performed the congregational prayer correctly

    ترجمة الموضوع للعربية هنا :
    The translation into Arabic is here

    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة بنت الأزور ; 03-28-2011 الساعة 12:30 AM

    «« توقيع بنت الأزور »»
    قال شيخ الإسلام ابن تيمية رحمه الله : " إنما يفسد الناس : نصف متكلم ، و نصف فقيه ، و نصف نحوي ، و نصف طبيب ! هذا يفسد البلدان ،و هذا يفسد الأديان ، و هذا يفسد اللسان ، و هذا يفسد الأبدان "

Deliberately Preceding the Imam / the leader

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Deliberately Preceding the Imam / the leader

Deliberately Preceding the Imam / the leader