Women Traveling without a Mahram
Mahram : woman/man whom he/she is not permitted to marry
The Messenger of Allah
It is not permitted for a woman who believes in Allah and the Last Day to travel one day's distance without the presence of a mahram
[ Reported by Muslim , 2/977 ]
When a woman travels without a mahram , this encourages corrupt people to prey on her due to her weakness ; at the very least , her honor will be harmed . This prohibition applies also to a woman traveling by plane , even if – as is often claimed – one mahram sees her off at one end and another mahram meets her at the other ! Who is going to sit next to her during the journey ?! What if technical problems divert the plane to another airport , or the flight is delayed ?! What if …. ?! There are too many stories of things that go wrong . For a person to be considered a mahram , he must meet four conditions : he should be a Muslim , over the age of puberty , of sound mind , and male
Abu Sa'eed al-Khudri
The Messenger of Allah
No woman who believes in Allah and the Last Day should travel a distant of three days' journey or more , unless her father , son , husband , brother or other mahram is with her
[ Reported by Muslim , 2/977 ]